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Apploi automates 900 hours/year of manual work with Seam

328 hours/year

Analyst time saved through automation

590 hours/year

Time saved across Sales, CS & Finance through automation

3 days

Implementation time


New addressable market identified with Seam

“I think this is the first tool I've actually come across where the options are almost limitless.”

Elliot Farris
VP of Operations and Analytics at Apploi


Apploi’s go-to-market data was stored in disparate systems. Without a single source of truth, sales teams missed revenue opportunities, reporting was time-consuming or impossible, and teams operated based on different metrics, leading to alignment challenges.


Seam now serves as the analytics engine powering Apploi’s GTM stack. Using natural language, Apploi can generate powerful customer intelligence, automate manual processes, and sync consistent metrics and analysis across tools to keep teams aligned.

With Seam, Apploi has eliminated 328 hours of manual work per year for their analysts, 590 hours per year across sales, CS, and finance, and identified $31M of new addressable market for sales to target.


Apploi offers an all-in-one workforce management platform that helps healthcare providers attract, hire, and manage top talent. With ecstatic customers, a massive total addressable market (TAM), and favorable market tailwinds at their back, Apploi is poised to become a very big company.

Elliot Farris, VP of Operations and Analytics, recognized that the siloed nature of their data was holding them back. Although they had made significant efforts to integrate systems, key sources remained outside the fold. This made reporting time consuming, or even impossible. Alignment across departments was also a challenge, as teams relied on the tool they knew best resulting in inconsistent metrics and data narratives.

“Even if you say system A is the source of truth over system B, teams will orient towards the system they are comfortable with. Different metrics derail the conversation, you’re less focused on solving the problem and you’re more focused on if you even have the right inputs.”

Elliot saw Seam as a means to establish a centralized source truth for customer data, paving the way for new analysis, more automation, and cross-functional alignment.


Implementation took place during the evaluation process. “I think one of the pieces that I appreciated the most is we did most of the setup work while building the business case for a purchase,” Elliot said.

“We connected all of our data with a few clicks, and from there, it was all about pushing the limits to see what Seam could do.”

Given the nature of AI, Elliot wanted to ensure he could trust Seam’s outputs. “It took a little bit of time to learn how to interact with Seam most effectively,” he said. “However, you quickly learn how to validate answers, ask the right questions, and enhance its speed and accuracy. It’s less of an implementation and more of a learning curve that happens over a couple of days.”

Like many companies, Apploi’s CRM contained messy data, outdated fields, and business-specific terms. Elliot appreciated how well Seam handled the complexity out of the box, as well as the control he had over defining what was important and what Seam should ignore.


With Seam, Elliot’s team could generate customer intelligence that previously wasn’t possible. “We've built analyses that leverage hundreds of thousands of connections distilled down to easy to use, point-and-click reporting within our CRM, which we couldn’t execute on before Seam. That was a big unlock for us,” he said.

They used Seam to generate customer intelligence and push it to Salesforce for action by sales reps. “We were able to identify which prospect accounts had a meaningful likelihood of taking an introduction from our existing customer base,” he said. “This was a whole new method of targeting prospects, unlocked overnight.”

“We put the answer to the question, ‘who do I reach out to?’ right in Salesforce. That’s probably the most impactful use case we've launched, and that was within a week.”

Additionally, Apploi automated manual processes. Each month, the finance team needed to digest all customer subscriptions, invoices, and payments, in preparation for the next closing period. Handling this manually each month was extremely time-consuming, but now Seam automates the process from start to finish..

“I spent a day building the automation to save weeks worth of effort throughout the year. If you can spend 8 hours to save 100, to me that's massive. And that's just a single use case.”

Results that Apploi achieved:

  • Automated 328 hours/year of manual work for analysts
  • Automated 590 hours/year of manual work across sales, CS, and finance teams.
  • Identified an additional $31M in new addressable market for sales to target

Elliot is excited about the future. He recognizes the opportunity to replace tools and consolidate their tech stack. “You can generate use-cases instead of paying for one-off tools,” he said. “Those are big, direct, cost savings.”

“I think this is the first tool I've actually come across where the options are almost limitless. If you can think it up, there is probably a way to do it with Seam. And it won’t be hard.”

Finally, Elliot recognizes how AI has the potential to change how businesses operate. However, he’s cautious of the hype and the tendency of software providers to integrate it into their product for the sake of claiming they offer AI.

“Most of the tools saying they have AI put the work on the individual who bought it, leaving you with months of learning curve and questioning when you’ll realize value. Seam is the opposite. It shows you the value. It makes your life easier overnight.”


Prior to using Seam, Redpanda’s customer data was siloed across different systems. Reporting across these sources involved manual processes that weren’t scalable. Tracking attribution was the top priority, as identifying marketing-sourced pipeline involved digging through Salesforce to uncover all the marketing touch points for high-value deals.

Redpanda wanted a solution that was flexible, quick to implement, and able to cover multiple use cases. Most importantly, they wanted reporting to live in their system of record, Salesforce.


After two days with Seam, Redpanda generated six custom attribution models that sync to objects in Salesforce, centralizing reporting in their source-of-truth database. They then mapped each UTM parameter from HubSpot into the individual campaign member level within 10 minutes of a unique form fill, enabling transparency at the source of the marketing touch. Today, marketing attribution reporting is closely integrated  within Salesforce and can be viewed at the account, lead, or campaign level.

Meanwhile, Redpanda’s Growth Team saw an opportunity to use Seam to incorporate more buying signals into their ABM strategy and sales processes. Seam is now syncing product usage data to the CRM, with plans to incorporate community engagement data to help sales and marketing target more effectively.


Redpanda provides a data streaming platform, a foundational technology for modern application development, that is cheaper and easier to use than the existing alternatives. Over a 16-month period, they quadrupled their revenue, raised $150M, and doubled employee count. Hyper-growth generated a tremendous amount of customer data – across product, marketing, community, sales – as well as an ever-growing number of employees who needed to leverage it. Like many companies, their RevOps team strives to make their CRM the source of truth for all customer data. But combining data across sources, generating the right output, and getting that output into Salesforce, wasn’t easy.

“When vital data lives in a third-party app, team members tend to refer to it once in a while and can quickly forget about it. However, once it's integrated into Salesforce, it's at the forefront of your day-to-day workflow.”

Yuliya manages all marketing reporting and technology and was on the hunt for an attribution solution. As a marketing ops veteran, she’s implemented analytics tools before and knew some of the pitfalls. “I’ve used tools that weren’t very customizable, took six weeks to implement, had a 24-hour delay in showing changes, and lived in a third-party app that was difficult to manage – with a cumbersome SLA.”

“Seam was the clear winner for ease of use and flexibility. We could tweak it, audit it, and iterate on it on a consistent basis. We are in full control of how we push custom data and display marketing insights.”


Implementing Seam was fast and efficient.

“I think it took two days, if that. You just connect Seam to your tools by signing in with OAuth, and you're basically done. You get on a quick onboarding call and you're rocking and rolling that same day. It was pretty seamless.”

Roman, Redpanda’s Head of Growth, recognized how Seam could help with his initiative to surface more intent signals for the sales executives. “One of our key goals at Redpanda has been to aggregate our intent sources into one clear, useful measure for our sales team. But it’s tough to get our scattered data to align and into a single trusted comprehensive view,” said Roman.

A few days later, his team was successfully syncing live data from various sources into Salesforce, providing the sales team a unified view of their territory.

“With Seam, we've cut down on hours of manual work every week and unlocked insights we would've otherwise missed due to the time, effort, and scale it would take to dig them out. Seam has become a crucial piece of our signals-based GTM strategy. I can’t imagine building a modern GTM stack without it.”

Seam’s value was realized across the business. Within two months, Redpanda was automating processes and using Seam to build use-cases instead of buying more tools.

“Seam is powering multiple use-cases that are $50,000 - $100,000 platforms on their own. It’s been exciting to see it organically grow across teams. The savings are huge.”

Results that Redpanda achieved in a couple of months:

  • 60 hours/month reduction in time spent doing manual data work
  • $100,000 saved in tooling by building solutions in Seam

Redpanda is excited about the future with Seam.

“We have so much data in systems and we want everyone –sellers, marketers, CSMs, SDRs, executives– to have that data at their fingertips. We want them to wake up and know what’s happening in their territory. Seam is going to be a huge part of getting there.”

Company name



Transforming healthcare hiring with an all-in-one workforce management platform built to attract, hire, and manage top healthcare talent.


New York, NY






Other companies using Seam

Apploi automates 900 hours/year of manual work with Seam
Elliot Farris
VP of Operations and Analytics at Apploi
Redpanda saves 60 hours/month and $100,000 in new tool spend with Seam
Yuliya Maystruk
Sr. Manager, Marketing Operations at Redpanda

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